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고창군청 등나무숨 카페 2023.10


고창군청 등나무숨 카페 2023.10

2023. 10. 31. 09:55ㆍ회원작품 | Projects/Neighborhood Facility

cafe Rattan SUM




관공서에 가면 로비에 카페가 있는 모습을 흔히 볼 수 있다. 간단한 회의도 하고, 동료를 만나 담소를 나누는 등 카페는 이용자에게 장소를 제공하는 동시에 지역의 일차리 창출 기능을 담당한다.
고창군에서는 이러한 용도를 더욱 확장해 군청을 이용하는 이용자뿐만 아니라 주변의 주민들도 자유롭게 이용할 수 있도록 카페의 위치를 외부로 이동하고자 했고, 자주 이용하고 있는 등나무쉼터와 연계된 카페를 고민하게 되었다. 

발주처에서 최초 제시한 방향은 기존 등나무쉼터 공간 자체를 감싸는 형태로 건축하는 것이었다. 하지만 거듭된 회의와 설득 과정을 거치면서, 나무의 생장 환경과 내부 공간 활용의 합리성을 고려해 기존 등나무쉼터 공간 옆에 카페를 짓고 내·외부 공간을 확장하여 이용하는 것으로 방향을 설정했다. 
제시된 35제곱미터라는 작은 면적을 어떻게 풀어나갈 것인가 하는 문제는 계획의 첫 단계에서부터 많은 고민을 가져다주었다. 또한 군청을 이용하는 이용자들이 카페를 바라보는 정면성과 카페 주 이용자의 이용 방향은 서로 상이한 축을 형성했다. 이를 해결하기 위한 방법으로 두 방향을 아우르며 시각적 변화를 줄 수 있는 곡선형 매스를 계획하여 부드럽게 열린 군청의 이미지를 구축하고자 했다.

카페 계획 단계에서 공간의 활용을 고민하면서 구조를 어떻게 풀어나갈 것인가에 대한 토의가 주를 이뤘다. 선택한 중목구조는 등나무 쉼터와 맥락을 같이 하는 재료 중 하나라고 생각했고, 좁은 내부의 개방성을 위해 천창을 계획하여 카페 이용 시 자연을 확장시키는 공간으로 만들어 나가고자 했다. 


고창군청과의 관계(배면)
등나무쉼터와 기존조경 사이의 카페


It is common to see cafes in the lobbies of government offices. These cafes serve as not only a place for users to have simple meetings and socialize with colleagues but also play a role in creating primary jobs in the local community.

In Gochang County, the aim was to expand on this concept further by providing not only government office users but also local residents with access to a cafe, thereby relocating the cafe outside the government building. The idea was to establish a cafe that would be connected to the nearby "Tree Rest Area," a space that is frequently used by the community.

Initially, the client proposed constructing a cafe that would enclose the existing Tree Rest Area space. However, after multiple meetings and persuasion processes, a different approach was chosen. Considering the growth environment of the trees and the practicality of interior space utilization, it was decided to build the cafe adjacent to the existing Tree Rest Area and expand both the indoor and outdoor spaces for shared use.

The challenge of how to maximize the use of the small 35-square-meter area was a major concern from the initial planning stages. Additionally, the fact that government office users would view the cafe frontally while cafe patrons would have a different orientation posed a design challenge. To address this, a curved mass was planned to encompass both directions, creating a visually dynamic element that would smoothly integrate with the existing government office image.

During the cafe planning phase, discussions revolved around how to utilize the space and resolve structural concerns. The chosen post-and-beam structure was seen as an appropriate material that aligned with the context of the Tree Rest Area. To enhance the openness within the narrow interior, a skylight was incorporated, aiming to expand the cafe's space and bring nature closer to patrons during their visits.


등나무쉼터와 카페의 연결



고창군청 등나무숨 카페
설계자 | 나민경 · 유희완  _ 유피디자인건축사사무소 · 건축사사무소디엔
건축주 | 고창군청
시공사 | 월성
설계팀 | 장은혜, 강문희
대지위치 | 전라북도 고창군 고창읍 중앙로 245
주요용도 | 업무시설(제1종 근린생활시설)
대지면적 | 6,278.00㎡
건축면적 | 34.50㎡ 
연면적 | 34.50㎡ 
건폐율 | 0.55%
용적률 | 0.55%
규모 | 1F
구조 | 중목구조
외부마감재 | 외단열시스템
내부마감재 | 수성페인트
설계기간 | 2022. 10 – 2022. 12
공사기간 | 2023. 01 – 2023. 03
사진 | 유희완
구조분야  |  (주)수피아건축
기계설비분야  |  대화엔지니어링
전기분야  |  대화엔지니어링
cafe Rattan SUM
Architect | Na, Minkyong · Yoo, Heewan _ updesign architects · dn_architects & planners
Client | Gochang-gun
Construction | Wolseong
Project team | Jang, Eunhye / Kang, Munhee
Location | 245, Jungang-ro, Gochang-eup, Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea
Program | Business facilities(cafe)
Site area | 6,278.00㎡
Building area | 34.50㎡ 
Gross floor area | 34.50㎡ 
Building to land ratio | 0.55%
Floor area ratio | 0.55%
Building scope | 1F
Structure | Heavy wood structure
Exterior finishing | external insulation system
Interior finishing | water paint finish
Design period | Oct. 2022 – Dec. 2022
Construction period | Jan. 2023 – Mar. 2023
Photograph | Yoo, Heewan
Structural engineer | SUPIA
Mechanical engineer | DAEWHA
Electrical engineer | DAEWHA



출처 - 고창군청 등나무숨 카페 2023.10












