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남양주 ‘풍경을 담은 집, 풍경 속에 담긴 집’



남양주 ‘풍경을 담은 집, 풍경 속에 담긴 집’ 2024.2


2024. 3. 8. 10:40ㆍ

The Namyangju Detached House






남양주 단독주택은 신혼부부 두 사람이 한 가족이 되면서 첫 보금자리로 지은 집이다. 산지 중턱에 세장하게 생긴 땅에 자리 잡았다. 멀리서 내려다보면 마치 산속에 자리 잡은 암자나 오두막처럼 보이기도 한다. 멀지 않은 곳에 전원주택단지와 고급 빌라들이 들어서기는 했지만, 가까운 풍경은 여전히 울창한 수목으로 둘러싸여 고요하고 아늑한 숲이 감싸 안은 것처럼 보인다. 도시 한가운데 있는 여느 단독주택에서는 누릴 수 없는 풍경과 고요함이 있다. 건축주는 단층집을 원했다. 또한 미래에 있을 자녀들이 사용할 수 있도록 세 개 정도의 방을 원했고, 가족들만 사용할 수 있는 옥상마당이 있기를 바랐다. 그중에 단층 구성과 세 개의 방을 확보해달라는 요청사항을 동시에 수용하기가 어려웠다. 단층에 세 개의 방을 모두 배치할 수는 있지만, 건축면적을 최대로 확보했음에도 집을 구성하는 모든 공간들이 좁아질 수밖에 없었다. 대안으로 1층에 방 두 개와 거실, 주방, 욕실 등을 여유 있게 배치하고, 하나의 방을 다락 형태로 지붕 아래 두기로 했다. 안락한 다락공간을 만들기 위해 지붕 형태는 자연스레 박공으로 귀결됐으며, 옥상 마당을 두기 위해 안방 위는 평지붕으로 계획했다. 

이 집의 영역은 크게 네 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 공적인 외부 공간, 사적인 외부 공간, 공적인 내부 공간, 사적인 내부 공간이다.
먼저 공적인 외부공간은 도로에서 들어오고 주차를 할 수 있는 진입마당이다. 집에 들어서기 전의 주차를 위한 공터는 도로와의 완충 공간 역할을 한다. 마당 둘레로 높낮이가 다른 콘크리트 담장을 두어 경사진 도로를 지나다니는 사람들의 시선으로부터 집안을 가릴 수 있도록 했다. 이 담장은 집터와 도로 영역을 구분하면서 마당을 감싸 안아준다. 
진입 마당을 지나 현관을 통해 집안으로 들어서면 공적인 내부공간인 거실이 나온다. 거실은 박공지붕 형태를 그대로 살려 높은 천장고를 확보했다. 수려한 풍경을 내다볼 수 있는 남쪽을 향해 큰 창을 열었고, 북측으로도 높은 위치에 창을 두어 뒤편 숲을 볼 수 있게 하고 맞통풍이 될 수 있도록 했다. 또한 주방과 나누는 벽을 두지 않아 개방감을 확보하고 넓은 공간으로 활용할 수 있도록 했다. 

거실과 연결된 주방에는 동측에 배치된 싱크대를 따라 가로로 길게 열린 창을 두고, 남측으로 폴딩도어를 만들었다. 싱크대를 따라 열린 창은 진입 마당을 향해 있어 주방에서 집으로 드나드는 사람을 바로 볼 수 있게 했다. 남측으로 열린 폴딩도어는 식사하면서 집 앞에 펼쳐진 멋진 풍경을 조망할 수 있게 하며, 완전히 개방해 앞에 만들어진 테라스로 공간을 확장할 수도 있다. 춥거나 더운 계절에는 풍경을 담는 병풍이 되고, 열어두기 좋은 날씨에는 내부공간을 바깥으로 확장시킬 여지를 만들어준다.

공적인 내부공간인 거실과 주방에서 창을 열고 밖으로 나가면 사적인 외부공간인 테라스가 나온다. 이 테라스는 외부 공간 자체로서 풍경을 가까이 즐길 수 있게 하면서도, 내부공간을 바깥으로 확장시켜 더 넓게 활용할 수 있도록 한다. 한 편에는 화로를 두고 앉을 수 있는 콘크리트 벤치와 나무를 식재할 수 있는 콘크리트 화단을 두어 테라스에도 자체적인 기능을 부여했다.

거실을 지나 복도를 따라 안으로 들어가면 사적인 내부공간이 있다. 현재는 건축주의 취미공간으로 쓰이는 작은방과 안방이다. 두 방도 남측을 향해 크게 열린 창을 두고 있으며, 창을 통해 테라스로 나갈 수도 있다. 다만 안방에 딸린 욕실은 내밀한 공간이기에 안방과 사이에 욕실만의 작은 중정을 두어 자연을 볼 수 있게 하면서도 프라이버시를 확보했다. 

방과 거실을 연결하는 복도 중간에는 다락방으로 올라가는 계단이 있다. 미닫이문으로 숨겨둔 이 계단으로 올라가면 다락방이 나온다. 다락방 상부에는 천창을 두어 천장고가 높지 않지만 답답하지 않은 공간감을 갖도록 했으며, 낮에는 볕이 충분히 들고 밤에는 바닥에 누워 밤하늘을 볼 수 있는 특별한 곳이 되도록 했다. 또한 거실과 주방을 향해 창을 열어두어 아래층과 언제나 시각적 소통이 가능하도록 했다. 

다락방 한쪽에는 가족만을 위한 외부공간인 옥상마당으로 갈 수 있는 문이 있다. 안방 위에 있는 옥상마당은 높은 난간 벽과 액자 프레임처럼 열린 개구부를 두어 외부 풍경이 더욱 극적으로 보인다. 액자 같은 개구부는 마당이나 테라스에서 펼쳐진 풍경과는 또 다른 풍경을 보게 해준다. 외부 시선으로부터 온전히 자유로우면서, 연출한 듯 담긴 풍경을 관망할 수 있는 곳이 된다.



거실 및 주방
외부 전경


The Namyangju Detached House was constructed by a newlywed couple as their first home when they started their family. It is situated on a slender piece of land amidst the mountains, giving the impression of a hermitage or a cozy hut nestled in the hills when viewed from afar. Despite the emergence of rural housing complexes and luxury villas nearby, the immediate surroundings of the house remain enveloped by dense trees, creating a serene and intimate forest-like atmosphere. The tranquil and picturesque setting is truly unique for a detached house located in the heart of the city.

The client’s preference was for a single-story house, with a particular desire for three rooms to accommodate future children and a rooftop yard exclusively accessible to family members. However, meeting these requirements while maintaining a single-floor layout presented challenges. While it was possible to allocate all three rooms on the ground level, this resulted in smaller spaces throughout the house, despite maximizing the available building area. As an alternative solution, two rooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom were positioned on the first floor, with one room situated under the sloping roof as an attic. To create a comfortable attic space, the naturally gabled roof shape was adopted, and a flat roof was designed over the main bedroom to accommodate a rooftop courtyard.

The house can be divided into four main areas: the public exterior space, private exterior space, public interior space, and private interior space.

Firstly, the public exterior space encompasses an entrance yard where visitors can access the house and park their vehicles. A vacant lot is provided for parking before entering the house, acting as a buffer zone between the road and the property. Surrounding the yard, a concrete wall of varying heights shields the house from the view of passersby on the sloped road. This wall embraces the yard, serving as a protective barrier while defining the boundaries between the house site and the road.

Upon entering through the front door, one is greeted by the living room, the primary public interior space. The living room features a gabled roof design, ensuring a spacious ceiling height. Large south-facing windows offer breathtaking views, while elevated windows to the north allow glimpses of the forest behind, as well as cross-ventilation. The absence of walls separating the kitchen fosters an open concept, providing a sense of spaciousness and allowing the family to utilize the kitchen as a generous communal space.
In the kitchen, a horizontally long window is situated along the sink on the east side, connecting it to the living room. Additionally, a folding door on the south side opens up to reveal a magnificent view, creating an opportunity for outdoor dining on the terrace. When fully opened, the folding door allows for the expansion of the interior space onto the front terrace. It functions as a folding screen, blending the surrounding scenery with the changing seasons, and offers the possibility of extending the interior space to the exterior during favorable weather conditions.

Moving from the living room and kitchen to the outside, one arrives at the terrace, a private external space. This terrace provides the family with the opportunity to intimately engage with the surrounding scenery, serving as an outdoor area that seamlessly extends the interior space. To enhance its functionality, a concrete bench is positioned on one side for seating, while a concrete flower bed allows for tree planting and adds aesthetic appeal.

Passing through the living room and moving along the hallway, one enters the private interior space, which currently includes a small room and the master bedroom, serving as a space for the client’s hobbies. Both rooms feature wide south-facing windows, providing access to the terrace. To ensure privacy, a small courtyard is placed between the main room and the bathroom, allowing the family to enjoy glimpses of nature while maintaining a sense of seclusion.

In the middle of the hallway, a staircase leads to the attic. Hidden by a sliding door, this staircase grants access to the attic space. To create a sense of openness despite the relatively low ceiling height, a skylight is placed at the upper part of the attic, allowing ample sunlight during the day and providing a view of the night sky when lying on the floor. Windows connecting the attic to the living room and kitchen enable visual communication between family members on different levels.

On one side of the attic, a door leads to the rooftop yard, an outdoor space exclusively reserved for the family. Positioned above the main room, the rooftop yard features a high balustrade wall and an open frame-like opening, resembling a picture frame, which creates a more dramatic view of the surrounding landscape. The frame-like opening offers a different perspective, allowing the family to observe the scenery as if it were exclusively produced for their enjoyment, free from the gaze of outsiders.




남양주 ‘풍경을 담은 집, 풍경 속에 담긴 집’
설계자 | 이상민 _ (주)에스엠엑스엘건축사사무소
건축주 | 윤용재
감리자 | (주)에스엠엑스엘건축사사무소
시공사 | 김동용 _ 에스엠엑스엘건설
설계팀 | 신정훈, 김정인
설계의도 구현 | (주)에스엠엑스엘건축사사무소
대지위치 | 경기도 남양주시
주요용도 | 단독주택
대지면적 | 659.00㎡ / 건축면적 | 131.35㎡
연면적 | 130.92㎡ / 건폐율 | 19.93%
용적률 | 19.87% / 규모 | 2F
구조 | 철근콘크리트구조
외부마감재 | 외단열시스템(테라코트), 징크 지붕재, 콘크리트폴리싱
내부마감재 | 
벽체 및 천장 : 신한벽지
마루 : 노바 강마루  /  욕실 및 주방 타일 : 윤현상재, 김종철타일
욕실기기 : 아메리칸스탠다드, 리델, 더죤테크
주방가구, 붙박이장 : 해밀주방가구  /  조명 : 뭉클, 필립스 외 기타
중문 : 주문제작  /  현관문 및 대문 : 일진하우앤플랜
설계기간 | 2022. 04 - 2022. 10
공사기간 | 2022. 09 - 2023. 01
사진 | 김한빛 _ 비지스튜디오
구조분야 | (주)아크필구조
기계설비분야 | 잇츠미E&C
전기/통신분야 | 잇츠미E&C
토목 | 화도측량
The Namyangju Detached House
Architect | Lee, Sangmin _ SMxL Architects
Client | Yoon, Yongjae
Supervisor | SMxL Architects
Construction | Kim, Dongyong _ SMxL Construction
Project team | Shin, JeongHoon / Kim, JeongIn
Design intention realization | SMxL Architects
Location | Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Program | Single Family House
Site area | 659.00㎡
Building area | 131.35㎡
Gross floor area | 130.92㎡
Building to land ratio | 19.93%
Floor area ratio | 19.87%
Building scope | 2F
Structure | RC
Exterior finishing | Terracoat, Zinc, Concrete polishing
Interior finishing | 
Wall and ceiling _ Shinhan Wallpaper
Floor _ Nova Desing Flooring
Bathroom and Kitchen Tile _ Younhyun trading, Kim Jong cheol Tile 
Bathroom equipment _ American Standard, Liddel, The John tech 
Kitchen furniture, Built-in cabinet _ Haemil Kitchen furniture 
lighting _ Moongkle, Phillips and others 
Inner gate door _ Custom-made 
Main door and gate _ Iljinhounplan
Design period | 2022. 04 - 2022. 10
Construction period | 2022. 09 - 2023. 01
Photograph | Kim, Hanbit
Structural engineer | ARCHFEEL Structure Engineering
Mechanical engineer | It’s me E&C
Electrical engineer | It’s me E&C
Civil engineer | Hwa-do Survey Engineering




출처 - 남양주 ‘풍경을 담은 집, 풍경 속에 담긴 집’ 2024.2 (kiramonthly.com)












